Mobile Service Guidelines Outlook 2007

The new messaging and Personal Information Manager (PIM) component, which was developed for Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 now called Microsoft Office Outlook Mobile Service (OMS). Using OMS allows you to integrate the mobile capabilities of Outlook to your mobile device. OMS provides messaging functionality that allows you to accomplish pretty much any task almost as if you were using Outlook on a device or system with a keyboard.
OMS is a client build directly into Outlook account settings to allow mobile messaging accounts to work in parallel with e-mail accounts. Also sends text and multimedia messages to a Web service that is created and hosted by partner such as mobile message content service providers. Upon doing so the message is then delivered to a message service center of carriers.

Architecture and Message Flow
OMS architecture is a client service framework based on Web service technology. OMS encodes mobile messages as a SOAP message and sends it to the OMS Web service. After doing so the message is then delivered to the mobile carriers message gateway. The message is then delivered by way of the mobile carrier to the intended device.

Note: Using the carrier’s infrastructure messages flow back and forth between Outlook and the receiving mobile device

Message flow = Soap à Carrier Defined à SMS/MMS (In Reverse order as well) -- SMTP à Carrier Defined à SMS/MMS

Communication Protocols
The rules to follow when developing an OMS Web service.
OMS Web service must follow the Web Services Description Language (WSDL), which allows clients to connect to the service without any custom service code changes. The OMS Web service must support the following Web methods:
· String GetServiceInfo() – This allows you to retrieve the properties of a OMS Web service.
· String GetUserInfo(string xmsUser) – This allows you to obtain the receiving users information.
· String SendXms(string xmsData) – This allows you to send mobile messages to the Web service.
Also, must follow the protocols for sending mobile messages to the OMS client as e-mail.

Example of using a Web Service Implementation:
Note: XML files used for information and error code to be returned. Assuming LoadXmlFromFile(string filename) method has been created that will load the XML from a file and return the results as a string. CUserLogon private class must be using in conjunction with for providing user validation functionality.
public class OMSService : System.Web.Services.WebService
public string GetServiceInfo()
return LoadXmlFromFile("SampleServiceInfo.xml");
public string GetUserInfo(string xmsUser)
if (!m_schemaProvider.FValidXml(xmsUser, “xmsUserSchema.xsd”))
return LoadXmlFromFile("SchemaError.xml");
CUserLogon usrLogon = new CUserLogon(xmsUser);
if (!usrLogon.FLogon())
return LoadXmlFromFile("LogonFailed.xml");
return LoadXmlFromFile("SampleUserInfo.xml");
public string SendXms(string xmsData)
if (!m_schemaProvider.FValidXml(xmsUser, "xmsDataSchema.xsd"))
return LoadXmlFromFile("SchemaError.xml");
CUserLogon usrLogon = new CUserLogon(xmsData);
if (!usrLogon.FLogon())
return LoadXmlFromFile("LogonFailed.xml");
return LoadXmlFromFile("SampleResponse.xml");
private string LoadXmlFromFile(string strFile)
// ...
private CSchemaProvider m_schemaProvider; // Helps validate XMS schemas
// Extract user logon information from XML string and process logon validation
private class CUserLogon
// ....
// Cache schema validators
private class CSchemaProvider
// ....

XML: Example serviceInfo string:
Note: Example showing a serviceInfo string retuned by GetServiceInfo()

ABC Company
ABC Mobile Service
ABC Mobile Service

maxSbcsPerMessage="140" maxDbcsPerMessage="70" />
maxSizePerMessage="30000" maxSlidesPerMessage="10" />

When developing these types of applications you should also be aware of the following:
ServideInfo – A string that is transferred as a Unicode string and then encoded as UTP-16.
ServiceUri – A value that is used to uniquely identify the service. If this is changed it will be interpereted as a new OMS WS.
masSbcsPerMessage & maxDbcsPerMessage attributes of the SMS_SENDER element to values that can be set by service provider

If OMS Web service sets the supportSlide attribute of the MMS_SENDER element of its serviceInfo string to “true”,

If the OMS Web services supportSlide attribute of the MMS_SENDER element is set to “true” then this is a clear indication that Web services supports the Synchronized Multimedia Integration (SMIL) format. Messages that use SMIL are translated as being in slide mode. If OMS Web service does not support SMIL, then the Web service must accommodate this in the form of a try and catch statement or convert the message to a non-slide mode message type.

To be continued

Ref Url:


  1. This website will let you send and receiving via Outlook 2007 using text messaging (SMS), and also multimedia messaging (MMS).Text message notification when reminders come to due are also supported, and installation is also easy. Therefore this service from ZendSMS Outlook 2007 Mobile Service will meet all your needs.


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