ASP.NET 2.0 Architecture
Architecture Series Introduction
Video: 01
Video explains "internals" Series Introduction
High Level overview of the videos in this series and how they correspond to studying for ASP.NET certification
Explains and shows how to use Reflector to peek inside of assembled code
Covers exam 70-528 "Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Web-Based Client Development", covers foundational concepts
High level ASP.NET 2.0 Architecture
- ASP.NET 2.0 Designed to leverage existing .NET WinForms Programming skills.
- Language
- Toolbox
- Form Designer
- Properties Window
- Code Window
- .NET assemblies
- Use skills you already know to develop the Web UI (i.e., HTML)
- Use skills you already know to handle events raised by controls (via WindForms)
How do you duplicate the experience of building a WinForm into a Web based development?
WinForm Example:
- Dropping a control on the UI designer
- Double-clicking to write code in the default event handler
- Clicking the button to execute the code
- Etc
Web is inherently stateless
- Was originally intended to be a light-weight document repository for the scientific community
- No intrinsic need to manage state
- As new demands were made, tools & technologies (like ASP.NET) were created.
Three essential parts to ASP.NET 2.0
API – Classes programmers can use to interact with request and response data
- set of classes, sent in page request from client browser, data that is formulated as response to satisfy request.
- Class that: represent page as a whole, application, user, HTML controls
Compiler – Turns code into .NET assemblies
- converts both the imperative code and declarative code written by the developer into a Series of .NET assemblies that will serve as the end point for client browser request via HTTP
- These assemblies contain classes that implement a special
interface that can respond to request And are known HTTP
ISAPI Extension – Plug-in to IIS to handle ASP.NET page request
- Takes HTTP request and forwards them to the appropriate HTTP handler
- Manages application and session wide services, such as state, security
Lutz Roeder's .NET Reflector Utility
- Allows us to see the Intermediate Language compiled into a .NET assembly
- Allows us to see the IL translated into a language we understand (VB, C#, etc.)
Download utility URL:
*Select the '' link on page.
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